Hack 1

Gru has just recently stopped El Macho from destroying the world. But now, Gru needs to separate the leftover purple minions and the yellow minions so that he can cure the infected minions. He then needs to organize the minions in terms of recovery time and usefulness. To do this, Gru needs you to make a minion class with the instance variables color, name, energy levels, gadgets, hair, height

Hack 2

Now Gru needs you to make a default constructor for all the NPC minions. Assign each default minion a default color,name,energy level, gadget, hair, and height.

Hack 3

Now please make a parameterized constructor to create the main-character minions easily.

Hack 4

Create three minions and print out their values(color, name, energy levels, gadgets, hair, height)

Hack 5

Gru wants to make sure his workers are not overworked as per OSHA. So, Gru wants you to print out the average energy levels of all his Minions. (Hint: you should use static variables)

For 0.90+

Dr. Nefario is trying to assign a recovery time for each minion! Minions who were purple and got cured are very tired, and so are a lot of minions with low energy levels. Create a simple algorithm to calculate how long each minion needs to recover based on their color and energy levels.

Hack 1

public class Minion {
    // Instance variables
    private String color;
    private String name;
    private int energyLevel;
    private String gadget;
    private String hair;
    private double height;

    // Constructor
    public Minion(String color, String name, int energyLevel, String gadget, String hair, double height) {
        this.color = color;
        this.name = name;
        this.energyLevel = energyLevel;
        this.gadget = gadget;
        this.hair = hair;
        this.height = height;

    // Getter method to return minion details
    public String getDetails() {
        return "Color: " + color + ", Name: " + name + ", Energy Level: " + energyLevel + ", Gadget: " + gadget + ", Hair: " + hair + ", Height: " + height;

    // Main method to run the program
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Creating a Minion object
        Minion minion = new Minion("Yellow", "Dave", 80, "Laser Gun", "Short", 3.5);

        // Displaying the minion's details

Color: Yellow, Name: Dave, Energy Level: 80, Gadget: Laser Gun, Hair: Short, Height: 3.5

Hack 2

public class Minion {
    // Attributes
    String color;
    String name;
    int energyLevel;
    String gadget;
    String hair;
    double height;

    // Default constructor
    public Minion() {
        this.color = "Yellow";
        this.name = "Bob";
        this.energyLevel = 100;
        this.gadget = "None";
        this.hair = "None";
        this.height = 3.0; // Height in feet

    // Main method to test the Minion class
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create a Minion object using the default constructor
        Minion minion = new Minion();

        // Output the details of the Minion object
        System.out.println("Minion details:");
        System.out.println("Name: " + minion.name);
        System.out.println("Color: " + minion.color);
        System.out.println("Energy Level: " + minion.energyLevel);
        System.out.println("Gadget: " + minion.gadget);
        System.out.println("Hair: " + minion.hair);
        System.out.println("Height: " + minion.height + " feet");

Minion details:
Name: Bob
Color: Yellow
Energy Level: 100
Gadget: None
Hair: None
Height: 3.0 feet

Hack 3

The parameterized constructor is already implemented in Hack 1, but you can call it while creating instances of the Minion class.

Hack 4

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Creating three minions
        Minion minion1 = new Minion("Purple", "Stuart", 80, "Jetpack", "Spiky", 4.0);
        Minion minion2 = new Minion("Yellow", "Kevin", 90, "Laser Gun", "None", 3.5);
        Minion minion3 = new Minion("Purple", "Bob", 70, "Banana Launcher", "Curly", 3.2);

        // Print details of the minions


Color: Purple, Name: Stuart, Energy Level: 80, Gadget: Jetpack, Hair: Spiky, Height: 4.0
Color: Yellow, Name: Kevin, Energy Level: 90, Gadget: Laser Gun, Hair: None, Height: 3.5
Color: Purple, Name: Bob, Energy Level: 70, Gadget: Banana Launcher, Hair: Curly, Height: 3.2

Hack 5

public class Minion {
    // Instance variables
    private String color;
    private String name;
    private int energyLevel;
    private String gadget;
    private String hair;
    private double height;

    // Static variables to calculate average energy levels
    private static int totalEnergy = 0;
    private static int minionCount = 0;

    // Constructor
    public Minion(String color, String name, int energyLevel, String gadget, String hair, double height) {
        this.color = color;
        this.name = name;
        this.energyLevel = energyLevel;
        this.gadget = gadget;
        this.hair = hair;
        this.height = height;

        totalEnergy += energyLevel;

    // Method to calculate average energy level
    public static double getAverageEnergyLevel() {
        return (minionCount > 0) ? (double) totalEnergy / minionCount : 0;

// In the main class
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create three minions
        Minion minion1 = new Minion("Purple", "Stuart", 80, "Jetpack", "Spiky", 4.0);
        Minion minion2 = new Minion("Yellow", "Kevin", 90, "Laser Gun", "None", 3.5);
        Minion minion3 = new Minion("Purple", "Bob", 70, "Banana Launcher", "Curly", 3.2);

        // Print the average energy level of all minions
        System.out.println("Average Energy Level: " + Minion.getAverageEnergyLevel());

Average Energy Level: 80.0